Sunday, March 16, 2008

My New Business Project

I am not sure if I stated before that My Korean friend Alex (Chung Won) introduced me to one of his friends Park who went to university in Utah. He really is a nice bloke that has better English abilities than Alex and is becoming a very good friend. When I arrived on Thursday from the US he called me in a panic to assist him in translating some documents for a work presentation he had on Friday. We worked on it until 4:30 in the morning and it turned out that my business advice was successful and appreciated by his boss.

Park works for an IT company and one of their customers has asked their company to act as the Local Support Service (LSS) center for Korea. Thus far my role has been to assist in translating some documentation and assisting my friend in selling some things that their company has already performed that, perhaps, the customer was not aware of. It is not a situation that I would want to be in, but have been in before in my many years of business experience. Either way, eating crow sucks bigwan!

So this evening I get a call from him and was invited out for Korean BBQ at "Oose" (pronunciation only) restaurant with Alex to help him with his conference call tomorrow to discuss why his client did not accept their efforts towards developing a website for support requests. Currently the only method of initiating support requests is via telephone and email. After a long chat with him I gave him some straight forward talking points to discuss with his client that will not only help him sell them on the prospects of allowing Park's company to continue to develop the website, but also assist in preventing the company from losing valuable revenue spent on developments thus far.

If my instincts are accurate, I am sure that the client will buy into the pitch and consider Park's companies proposal to develop the website. Either way I am sure that this will be a great opportunity to be entertained until the end of my contract.

All is good here. Send an email when you can or respond to this blog...

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Nam Tasa's Chief

Nam Tasa's Chief
The custom dance Chief Caspar and his clan performed prior to Nam Tasa's departure from Vanuatu. This is where and when Nam Tasa recieved his custom name from the Banks Islands in Vanuatu.