Sunday, January 13, 2008

Korean Traditional Gas Delivery

Yep, it's a crazy idea, but when one lives in a country that is quite compact, this becomes quite common. I took this photo in Insadong close to Seoul Backpackers hostel, where my friend and I stayed. No, it's not an Al-qaeda bike bomb, it is a gas delivery bike. To me the concept seems crazy, considering the large number of bikes that ignore rules and drive on sidewalks, but I guess that is legal considering the tight quarters that we live in. Bikes like this do everything from deliver take out food, deliver mail, and pick up trash and transfer it to larger (but smaller than in the US) trucks. There is a tv show on the Asian Discovery network called Hazard Pay, I think they need to do a Korean version of this show and feature this job as it seems dangerous to me! Or maybe it is the ordinary pedestrians that need the hazard pay?

Dream Theater in Seoul

Well, this weekend my friend that I met in Australia that is teaching south of me invited and paid for my ticket to see Dream Theater, a progressive metal band from New York.

I think the reason why this band got such a warm welcome from Koreans is because of the bands bassist; he was born in America to Korean parents. The thing that I am confused about is that their music is so angry, yet wikipedia suggests that he is a Christian. What's that all about?

It seems strange after reading the wiki on the bassist, that my comment to my friend (after we left the show early) was "If this is a glimpse of hell, I definitely don't want to spend an eternity listening to that music." These guys have been around since the 80's-And I've never heard of them. I am getting old and am going to do the same thing as my parents and say... "How can you listen to that crap!"

In case you're confused, the previous post was sent from my cell phone from the concert. It was around this time that the band did one song that had a chorus taken from one of Marillion's songs, "Sugar Mice." This caused me to actually stand up and get really interested, but then it descended back into inaudible noise.

I apologize if you are a fan, or if you are a member of the band. Please know that not everyone is going to like your music, even if you have Christian influences. I am just getting old and did not enjoy your music and the concert was the first time I ever heard the band so I did not know what I was getting myself into.

Nam Tasa's Chief

Nam Tasa's Chief
The custom dance Chief Caspar and his clan performed prior to Nam Tasa's departure from Vanuatu. This is where and when Nam Tasa recieved his custom name from the Banks Islands in Vanuatu.